Sara Anderson


A page from the picture book Harvey Wilson created.

Sara's knowledge of the Armenian Genocide is due to the information she was given from her family and her great-grandmother. She also learned through the knowledge of her uncle Harvey who actually went back to historic Armenia, now known as part of Turkey, and created a photo book of regional Armenian infrastructures. Her uncle Harvey then gave Sara a photo book as a way to pass information down to future generations like Sara and her kids. 

Sara's kids already know about the genocide. She has made sure that Natalie Israelian's story is not lost.

"They already understand; they're almost 13 and almost 10 and they know about the genocide, they know about the stories. They already know how to make Armenian rice pilaf and we make Choreg together, which is an Easter bread roll. I hope to continue to tell the stories. There is a part of me that is sad that it gets diluted. But I think it's about telling the story and keeping the story and passing [it on]. My daughter will have a ring from Barmakian's, and my son too if he wants it. But passing that on and just making sure they understand what it means to, to know that history and those stories."

Harvey and Sara have allowed for the history of Armenian roots to be spread through their family and kids. They have both left a mark as descendants of an Armenian Genocide survivor, they have contributed to helping the future generations understand the history of Armenia.

These are some pages from the Kharept Book by Harvey Wilson.

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Leaving their Mark
Sara Anderson